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Asian Broom Grass/Tiger Grass/Kusa Thana

Syn: Melica latifolia, Thysanolaena maxima, Agrostis maxima

Family: Poaceae

Thysanolaena latifolia

Description: The leaves are broad and lance-shaped, reaching lengths of up to 2 meters. They have a distinct green color and form dense clumps. This plant doesn’t have a traditional trunk. Instead, it grows in large, dense clumps with tall, upright stems arising from a common base. Thysanolaena latifolia leaves are traditionally used for thatching roofs, and the stems are employed in making baskets and mats. Also, this grass is cultivated for erosion control.

Thysanolaena latifolia

Substitutions: Arundo donax is a large perennial grass that resembles bamboo due to its tall, cane-like stems and bamboo like leaves. Poganatherum paniceum also shares a similar appearance. Chamaedorea seifrizii is an indoor plant that refer to as bamboo palm. And a non- toxic plant for pets.

Thysanolaena latifolia

Ecology: It typically grows in open grasslands, forest clearings, and distributed areas. This grass species is adapted to well-drained soils.

Thysanolaena latifolia

Thysanolaena latifolia

General distribution: Native to Southeast Asia. It is found in countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmmar and Vietnam. This grass typically thrives in tropical and subtropical regions.

Thysanolaena latifolia

Author of text and photos: Chanduni Bootawatta.

Photographed in Mahiyanganaya town, Sri Lanka on 30/11/2023.

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