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Texas Spider Lily, Spring Spider Lily, Louisiana Spider Lily

Syn.: Hymenocallis eulae Shinners, Hymenocallis occidentalis var. eulae (Shinners) G.L. Smith & W. Flory, Choretis galvestonensis Herbert, Hymenocallis galvestonensis (Herbert) Baker, Hymenocallis moldenkiana Traub ex J.E. Laferriere

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Hymenocallis liriosme

Description: It features striking white, fragrant flowers with long, slender petals that resemble a spider’s legs, blooming primarily in late spring and early summer. The plant has glossy, strap-like leaves that are bright green and form a rosette at the base. Its stems are upright and support the large, showy umbels of flowers.

Hymenocallis liriosme

Substitutions: Hymenocallis littoralis (Beach Spider Lily) – Commonly found in tropical and subtropical coastal regions. It produces white, fragrant flowers with spider-like petals and a central corona. The leaves are broad, green, and form a rosette at the base of the plant. This species is well-suited to sandy, well-drained soils and is often used in seaside landscaping. – Hymenocallis occidentalis ( Western Spider Lily) – It features white, star-shaped flowers with long, narrow petals and a central greenish-yellow cup. The leaves are strap-like and form a basal rosette, similar to Hymenocallis liriosme. This species thrives in wet, marshy areas and blooms in late summer. – Hymenocallis speciosa (Perfumed Spider Lily) – It features white, fragrant flowers with long, narrow petals and a central, cup-shaped structure. The leaves are broad, green, and form a dense clump. This species is commonly found in moist, tropical environments and is popular in horticulture for its striking floral display and scent.

Hymenocallis liriosme

Ecology: Thrives in moist to wet, well-drained soils, such as loam or sandy loam, that are rich in organic matter. It prefers warm temperatures, typically ranging from 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C), and requires high humidity to flourish.

Hymenocallis liriosme

General Distribution: Generally distributed across the southeastern United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and parts of Asia, thriving in tropical and subtropical regions with warm, humid climates and moist, well-drained soils.

Use: Hymenocallis liriosme is often used in landscaping for its dramatic floral display and is also appreciated for its ability to thrive in wet, marshy environments, making it an ideal choice for water gardens and naturalized wetland areas.

Hymenocallis liriosme

Author of text and photos: Chanduni Bootawatta.

Photographed in Matale, Sri Lanka on 28/06/2024.

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