
Nika, Sudu Nika, Nil Nika, Nirgundi

Family: Lamiaceae

Description: The leaves are compound, consisting of five leaflets arranged in a palmate pattern, with serrated edges and a characteristic aromatic scent when crushed. The plant produces small clusters of… Číst více

Honduran mahogany, Honduras mahogany, or big-leaf mahogany

Syn.: Swietenia belizensis Lundell, Swietenia candollei Pittier, Swietenia krukovii Gleason, Swietenia macrophylla var. marabaensis Ledoux & Lobato, Swietenia tessmannii Harms

Family: Meliaceae

Description: The bark of the mahogany tree is… Číst více

Syn.: Orchis robertiana Loisel., Barlia robertiana (Loisel.) Greuter, Barlia robertiana lusus candida Soó, Himantoglossum robertianum f. candidum (Soó) F.M.Vázquez, Orchis foliosa Masson ex Ker Gawl., Orchis fragrans Ten., Orchis longibracteata var. gallica Lindl., Himantoglossum robertianum f. gallicum (Lindl.) F.M.Vázquez,… Číst více

Clusia rosea – Autograph tree

Pitch Apple, Florida Clusia, Balsam Apple, Wax Apple

Family: Clusiaceae

Description: A tropical tree that stays green all year and is valuable for its beauty and many different uses. The leaves are shiny… Číst více

Indian long pepper, Thippali (in Ayurveda), Balinese pepper, Bengal pepper, Javanese long pepper

Syn: Piper roxburghii (Miq.) J. Presl, Chavica roxburghii Miq., Chavica sarmentosa Miq., Chavica longa H. Karst.

Family: Piperaceae

Description: The plant produces small, cylindrical… Číst více

Syn: Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, Cinnamomum aromaticum J. Graham, Cinnamomum leptopus A. C. Sm., Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn.

Family: Lauraceae

Description: A small evergreen tree has oval-shaped leaves that are leathery and shiny. The leaves are arranged alternately on… Číst více